What is O.T?
O.T. aims to provide a safe space for children from 5 to 15, who live among the vulnerable population of our area, through the provision of food, homework help, medical check-ups, and emotional support. We also introduce them to Jesus and teach them the Bible. The ultimate aim, is to help them live full lives as God's children and improve their future prospects in life.

They all come from high risk areas
where there is a high level of crime and unsanitary conditions. Two of the main needs are for nutritional food and emotional support.
Currently, we welcome 26 children between the morning and afternoon shifts.

A Jehová presta el que da al pobre, Y el bien que ha hecho, se lo volverá apagar. Proverbios 19:17MarzoEn
You can find out more about what we do in the following links.

The OT programme

Where we operate